Monday, May 11, 2009

Another all nighter under my belt, and many more to go.  I have spent much of the evening, amongst other things, trying to not take such personal and academic desparation seriously.  Tears are not endearing after 4 a.m.  

So, lovelies, I must do the two things that keep me content:  30 Rock and whiskey nips.  This past week's episode failed to make me chuckle as much as usual.  Despite the honest white ineptitude, Liz's overt loneliness, and MASHterful guest star, the true shining light was the actor who played Tracy Jordan's lollipop-sucking fake 21 year old son.  Who is he?  Where has he been?  Will he be back?  How expensive is it to start a dojo?

If anyone has answers for me, please comment, or leave a message with my dog in my motorcyle's sidecar.