So tonight I have decided I would pull an all-nighter in an attempt to finish my film project. Things did not go as I planned.
8:00 - I arrive at the home of a certain Adderall-induced friend. 12 dollars later, I leave, equipped to handle the night ahead.
8:20 - I pick up an 18 pack of Coors Light to split between Mike and I. I am wearing my excessively furry hat, hoping that this will not compromise my I.D., but the guy does not seem to give two shits either way.
8:35 - I pick up Mike, forcing him to be my company for the evening ahead. Promising him we will be free to drink and do whatever at the station, we head out.
8:45- There are an excessive number of people at the station. Mike and I fearfully chug beers in the back closet, hoping others will think that we are having sex.
9:00 - FOOD TIME. I order a taco bowl with my surplus of YCMP swipes. It's not very good, as I presumed. I pick up some chips and several pieces of candy to compliment my order slash fill up my swipe alotment of $7.25.
10:00 - Back at the station, a few beers in, I begin to make some headway on the task at hand, piecing together clips that incriminate my partner, thus rendering my film irrelevant and (hopefully) more amusing than his.
11:00 - Hamms forces me to look at the wedding video he is making for his cousin. I drink more beer.
12:00 - Mike leaves to go buy "sleeping aids" after our excessive studying.
12:30 - Mike returns, glassy eyed and slow-moving.
1:00 - Cigarette time! I convince Hamms he will find his perfect girl provided he does not compromise his necessities.
1:30 - Fuck this.
2:00 - Another cigarette! Mike leaves, considering he had very little work to do at all this evening.
2:30 - Hamms leaves.
3:00 - I go out to have a cigarette.
3:05 - I realize I have been locked out of the student union.
3:07 - I realize that I have left my laptop blaring music and a beer can on the desk.
3:08 - 3:15 - Crying. Drive home.
3:20 - Call Christina. Thank God the insomniac has the campus security number.
3:25 - Race back to campus while calling security.
3:35 - Security lets me in, chastising me for my idiocy.
3:40 - Retrieve possessions. Wipe sweat from brow. Drive home.
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