Monday, September 26, 2005

The famous Seth Parker told me to write a part from my paper as a screenplay, so here it is.


A tired-looking, middle-aged woman sits on the edge of a pool, dangling her feet in the water. This is DIANA. Moonlight reflects off the water, illuminated by lights at various points throughout the yard. A teenage girl comes and sits beside her. This is JENN.

The fireflies are out tonight.

(glancing around)
They're pretty.

Diana takes a drag of her cigarette and the smoke swirls overhead.

(staring straight ahead)
When we were little we used to try to catch them in Mason jars.
You know what Mason jars are, right?

Jenn nods.

We would catch them in these jars and cut air holes in the top,
so we could keep them. But they always ended up dying. Even
when we cut them airholes . . . the fireflies still died . . .

Diana takes another drag from her cigarette, staring out at the water sadly. Jenn watches the smoke circle in the air and sighs.

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