Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It has been two years since I last glanced at this thing, and all I have to say is I'm sorry. I'm sorry to the teacher who assigned this to me, and I mistook for a livejournal, what people did before "blogging". I'm sorry to any person(s) who happened upon it accidentally, unaware of the shitstorm of irrelevant and self-indulgent thought they were about to endure. I'm sorry that it's pink. What is striking is that a lot of my opinions haven't changed. I still think ipods are best if used to ignore people. I still think the choices you make in life will always be of some importance, no matter how minute they may seem. But I don't listen to yellowcard anymore. And if I write poetry, it's not usually about my latest break up. So I think I will take up this shiz again. Minus the bullshit. Minus the bear.

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