Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I really love the invention of the iPod. Everyone seems to be obsessed with them. If you ask them why they're so desperately in love with the little cluster of metal, microchips, and plastic, they will most likely rattle off a list of reasons: they're convenient, they take up less space than cds, they have good sound quality. I love my iPod for a very different reason: it makes it completely acceptable for me to ignore people. Seriously. When I have my iPod on it's my own little world, and I do not give a shit about anybody else. The rules of social structures no longer apply to me. I see the bitchy girl walking by, who is so fake that she will say hi to me then make a snide comment to her friend. iPodless, I would be compelled to engage in a forced exchange and pretend I give a shit how she's doing, or that she is still breathing for that matter. But I have my iPod today. Therefore, I can walk by her, passing within three feet, and say nothing, not even making eye contact. That's right, bitch. Walk on by.

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